Since March 2020, the context we live in has changed, but still inclusive and quality education needs to be provided in every single and most remote part of the world. Supporting quality distance education is one of keys to ensure that the learning continues.
Together with other Teachers without Borders distance experts and local office in Palestinian region, we have been working on designing and implementing online teacher trainings with local schools in Ramallah and Jerusalem. Due to the various challenges and unexpected issues, teacher training could not be carried out yet. But, good news! They will be implemented soon!
The trainings will be implemented online through a video call and using a wide range of distance learning apps.
These trainings will target topics such as Learner Centered Pedagogy, Inclusive Education and Distance learning and they will be implemented online through a video call and using a wide range of distance learning apps.
This personal process has been challenging at times due to the continuous changes. However, it has been very fulfilling to see how the project came together by combining ideas from different people since the beginning. Working remotely requires a high level of fluid communication and collaboration and this has been a strong asset in our team.
I learnt how to combine ideas and adapt them to new situations while using innovative approaches that are suitable to the needs of the beneficiaries of the project. On the other hand, regarding the more technical side of the project, I have gathered many new approaches to distance education while ensuring Learner Centered Pedagogies (LCP) take place at all times.
It has been very fulfilling to see how the project came together by combining ideas from different people.
Apps or websites such as Kahoot, Mentimeter, Padlet, Google Classroom, Wordcloud, Flinga, Wordwall, Quizlet are now at the center of teacher training and they are used as powerful tools that can still ensure online collaborative learning.
At the moment, we are planning to carry out online teachers trainings on weekends. Each school will go through three sessions of 2 hour training. As we get close to the date, the excitement grows.
Having an online space to share thoughts, reflect on education and learn reciprocally is also necessary when physical movement is not yet completely allowed. Carrying on online teacher training is a whole new experience and we hope that we can all learn from it!