Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Manual

This Teacher Training Manual on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) is meant to support the mental health and well-being of teachers and students. The manual contains guidance and practical steps for integrating elements of psychosocial support in the teaching and learning process. It is designed to be facilitated by trainers, local educators and community workers to the benefit of teachers, children and youth. The manual is adaptable for use anywhere in the world.
The manual, developed by Finn Church Aid (FCA) and Teachers Without Borders (TWB) Finland, consists of six (6) training modules that can be used flexibly. The first three modules are meant for teachers and the last three modules are meant for the classroom:
- Stress and relaxation
- Compassion
- How to identify and support learners with MHPSS concerns as a teacher
- Recreational activities for MHPSS
- Social and emotional learning
- Life skills
The content design allows the trainer or facilitator to pick individual modules or sessions and adapt the training content according to the context and target group’s needs.
We hope you find it useful!
Distance Education and Digital Pedagogy Manual

This Teacher Training Manual on Distance Education & Digital Pedagogy supports teachers and other education personnel’s continuous professional development in pedagogically high-quality distance education and remote learning especially in diverse, low resource contexts. The manual is adaptable for use anywhere in the world.
The manual has been developed by Finn Church Aid (FCA) and Teachers Without Borders (TWB) Finland. The development of the training materials began already in 2020 as a response to the school lockdown situations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, when teachers and learners quickly had to adapt to remote education modalities. Even though the pandemic has subsided, the need for quality distance education prevails. Ensuring the continuity of learning for all learners is critical in all contexts, even and especially during crisis situations.
The training manual consists of eight (8) training modules that can be used flexibly:
- Distance Education,
- Distance Education Modalities,
- Pedagogy of Digital and Distance Education,
- Psychosocial and Emotional Wellbeing,
- Learner-Centred Methods in Distance Education,
- Home Support – Parents and Caregivers’ Role and Collaboration,
- Inclusive Education, and
- Assessment and Evaluation.
The content design allows the trainer or facilitator to pick individual modules or sessions and adapt the training content according to the context and target group’s needs.
We hope you find it useful!
Inclusive Education Manual

This Teacher Training Manual on Inclusive Education supports teachers and other education personnel’s continuous professional development in inclusive, quality education especially in diverse low resource contexts and is adaptable for use anywhere in the world. The Inclusive Education Manual directly contributes to realization of several targets of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 “ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all”.
The manual was developed by Finn Church Aid (FCA) and Teachers Without Borders (TWB) Finland. The content has been collected and built on the numerous good materials and practices used and developed by FCA staff and Teachers Without Borders (TWB) education experts in different countries and contexts.
The training manual consists of three (3) training modules that can be used flexibly:
- Education, Teacher and School Community,
- Inclusive Education, and
- Positive Classroom and Learning Environment for All Learners.
The content design allows the trainer or facilitator to pick individual modules or sessions and adapt the training content according to the context and target group’s needs.
Peace Education Manual

This Peace Education Manual has been developed in collaboration with Finn Church Aid (FCA) Uganda, local partner Uganda Muslim Youth Development Forum (UMYDF) and the Teachers Without Borders (TWB) network Finland.
The manual was developed to strengthen the pedagogical and methodological quality of local peace clubs during the spring and summer of 2022. The contents of the manual were successfully piloted with more than 480 young people in eight lower secondary school peace clubs established and run by UMYDF with the support of FCA. Two of the peace clubs are located in the Bidibidi Refugee Settlement, one of the largest refugee settlements in the world.
The material is primarily aimed for young people. The different sections and activities of the material can be used flexibly in trainings, clubs, or, for example, in individual lessons on peace education, socio-emotional learning, advocacy or cooperation skills. The exercises are functional and emphasize the active participation of youth.
FCA and UMYDF have been working together since 2016 in Uganda to promote the positive role of youth in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. In our work, peace education is defined as a holistic, multidisciplinary, and transformative process that seeks to develop capacities that promote non-violent conflict resolution, respect for human rights and active participation.